Parshin Truffle Nursery Company with the use of experts and experts in the fields of forestry and forestry, agriculture and horticulture and in cooperation with the Research Institute of Forests and Pastures of the country, the General Directorate of Natural Resources and Watershed Management of Golestan Province, the Agricultural Jihad Organization of Golestan Province and the Research Center . Agriculture and natural resources and watershed management of Golestan province and by presenting an innovative idea to the organization of forests, pastures and watershed management of the country and the Ministry of Jihad Agriculture, has stepped in this direction along with other European countries. The innovative idea of this company is the production of seedlings fertilized with truffle mushroom spores in oak, pine, and hazelnut species, and then its basic harvesting from the forest surface with the help of trained truffle detection dogs of this company, hygienic packaging and export under the domestic brand. is. Truffle mushroom is one of the most expensive mushrooms in the world and is known as black diamond. One of the main origins of this mushroom is the forests of Golestan province, especially its eastern region, where with the influx of people, the amount of its harvest from the forest surface is decreasing every year. With the implementation of this plan, mushroom production will continue and will be maintained in the future.